Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

Connecting Linksys AM300 ADSL Modem to a Linksys WRT54GS Wireless Router Options

Help! I am trying to connect a Linksys AM300 ADSL Modem to a Linksys WRT54GS router and then to a PC running windows XP. All three devices are connected via Ethernet cable i.e no wireless. I thought this would be easy however, it has turned in to a nightmare! I have spoken to a Linksys support engineer and even though on the AM300 box it shows such a situation the support engineer said you cannot connect an AM300 to a WRT54GS! This sounds daft. I am a novice at this networking game and would be grateful to anyone who can spend sometime explaining how I should set up the AM300, WRT54GS and XP laptop.

At present I can connect to the internet by using an Ethernet cable to connect my XP laptop directly to the AM300 (I used the Linksys auto configuration tool to setup the AM300) and this works fine. In fact that is how I am presently writing this post. The problem occurs when I connect the WRT54GS between the XP laptop and the AM300. At this point I loose the internet connection and depending upon the settings in the AM300 & WRT54GS it depends on whether I can see these two devices by typing in the IP address ( in to IE7.

I am confused on what settings to put where – I have tried most combinations but nothing seems to work. My end game is to connect both my NAS and Vista desktop to the WRT54GS using Ethernet cables and connect both my XP Laptop and Nokia N800 to the WRT54GS using wireless. At present I have put the Vista PC away as this seems to introduce a whole new problem i.e. it won’t connect to the internet even when connected directly to the AM300 via Ethernet.

Question 1

So to start with what settings should I put in the AM300? Should I set it to bridge mode or PPOE or Router? Can I leave the IP address at I read on some blogs that the IP address of the AM300 and WRT54GS will clash if one of them is not changed. My starting point for doing config changes to the AM300 is after I have run the auto setup software – this puts the AM300 in to Gateway mode on the advanced tab and gives me good internet access when connected directly to my XP laptop.

Question 2

What settings should I put in the WRT54GS? My internet service provider uses PPOE and the WRT54GS has such an option. What do I do with the IP address? Should it be set to as some blogs suggest? What should I do with the DHCP server settings in both the AM300 and WRT54GS?

Question 3

What settings do I need in my XP Laptop (connecting via an Ethernet cable to keep it simple)? Do I just leave them as is as it works when connected directly to the AM300?

Question 4

In what sequence do I power on the AM300, WRT54GS and XP Laptop? This is completely confusing me!!

Can you keep you please keep your answers simple as I am not an expert. In case your wondering with the exception of the AM300 I have had all this kit working however, I moved house and in doing so moved from a Cable ISP to an ADSL ISP hence the confusion with the AM300 (the cable ISP provided their own modem that worked fine).

In case you need to know the XP laptop is running service pack 3 and the vista desktop is running service pack 1.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Kudos! Thanks!

09-30-2008 08:59 PM


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Re: Connecting Linksys AM300 ADSL Modem to a Linksys WRT54GS Wireless Router Options

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Registered: 09-06-2006

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Well try upgrading the firmware of the router & keep on holding tightly
the reset button in such a way that power light is blinking on the
router & then do a complete network power cycle i.e., unplug the power
cables from the modem & from the router & then plug in the power cable
to the modem first once all the lights are solid green you could plug
in the power cable to the router & check out it will definately work!!
Kudos! Thanks!

10-01-2008 05:00 PM


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Re: Connecting Linksys AM300 ADSL Modem to a Linksys WRT54GS Wireless Router Options

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Thanks for the reply however, I really need answers to all my questions. I upgraded the firmwire before I started this exercise. I have powered off an on my equipment as you suggested but still without success. I know that in theory the Linksys router and modem should be able to swap routing tables however, they don't seem to do this in practice - maybe this is a fault with the Linksys product. If I connect the modem to the router and the router to the XP laptop then I can successfully ping the router. However, I cannot ping the modem (even when logged in to the router and doing it from the admin tab it fails).

I really need some anwers to basic questions. For example:-
1) Should the ADSL modem be setup in Gateway or Router mode?
2) Should the WRT Router be set up in Gateway or Router mode?
3) Does the WRT router have to be set up for PPoE as well as the modem?

For info the modem IP address is (default) but I have changed the Router IP address to

Any help is most appreciated. I am being to think the Linksys engineer was correct when he said a Linksys Modem is not compatible with a Linksys Router - daft I know! Kudos! Thanks!

10-02-2008 03:20 AM


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Re: Connecting Linksys AM300 ADSL Modem to a Linksys WRT54GS Wireless Router Options

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You can switch the modem to bridge. keep the IP as it is on the modem ( and on the router it should be as you have set up already . on the router use internet connection type as PPPoE. Kudos! Thanks!

10-02-2008 11:14 AM


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Re: Connecting Linksys AM300 ADSL Modem to a Linksys WRT54GS Wireless Router Options

Posts: 2
Registered: 10-02-2008

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Hi, try to upgrade the AM300 firmware to 1.19.04.


Firmware V1.19.04 - 02/04/08
- TI Datapump v7.2.3.0
- Resolves issue with LAN Subnet when using PPP Half Bridge
- Resolves issue with PPPoE connection failure when client receives PPPoE-Session packets before receiving PADS. Kudos! Thanks!

10-02-2008 12:30 PM


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Re: Connecting Linksys AM300 ADSL Modem to a Linksys WRT54GS Wireless Router Options

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Crazy, thanks for the info. I am presently running version 1.19.02. Do you know where I can download 1.19.04 as I cannot find it on the Linksys website and it does sound relevant? Thanks. Kudos! Thanks!

10-02-2008 05:12 PM


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Re: Connecting Linksys AM300 ADSL Modem to a Linksys WRT54GS Wireless Router Options